Jerry Sandusky Found Guilty on 45 out of 48 Counts of Abuse

On Friday, Jerry Sandusky was finally found guilty of 45 out of 48 counts of abuse. Fans of Penn State were shocked when news came out that he had been sexually abusing children for years. He actually abused 10 boys for over 15 years.

Jerry Sandusky’s sentencing will happen in three months. He should end up with life in prison for these 45 charges. He is already 68 years old so it would be shocking if he got out before he dies.

Eight men were brave enough to take the stand and talk about the abuse that they went through with Jerry Sandusky. They talked about everything including rape, oral sex, and more that occurred during the abuse. Sandusky never took the stand during his trial at all though.

His adopted son recently admitted that he was abused as well while living in the home. At first he would not admit it, but now he is stepping up and Matt says it happened to him as well.

Are you happy to see Jerry Sandusky rot in jail? I have to say that I am happy that justice was served in this case!


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