New ‘Breaking Amish’ Reunion Part 2 Preview Video Talks About Baby
“Breaking Amish” will air part 2 of the reunion next week on TLC. Fans can’t wait to hear what Rebecca and Abe have to say about their baby. In a new preview, find out a bit about how it goes. Check it out below.
Kate seems to be the ONLY one with a straight head on her shoulders. The other four of you are, well, you figure it out. You are rude and hot headed. Who paid for your wedding Rebecca. Im sure not you. You all made a CHOICE to appear on this show so get over the fact that the questions asked “piss” you off. You put yourself in this situation now OWN it. And by the way, the phrase “Go —- Yourself” is so 80’s. You all (Except Kate- You go girl) show what brats you are. Hopefully TLC Will Not do a return of your show and you can all get real jobs and see what it is really like in the world. I thought Honey Bo Bo was bad. You four put her way second on the polls.
I can not see these people being Amish at all..its phony..
This show is as phony as a $ 4.00 bill…
such a shame that this whole show turned in 2 1 free for all. i my self came from another country and that was a culture shock. thanks so please keep it real .
The only one that I liked was Kate. Kate has her stuff together and it sounds like she’s going to make something out of herself. The other four (4) are rude, foul mouth and not worth a flip. I hope to hear a lot more from Kate. At least Kate owned up to her mistake and the other four (4)were really rude and crude about their lives.
rumor had it they were all paid actors..
rumor has it they were all paid actors..