Staying In Touch With College Graduation Announcements
Keeping in touch with loved ones is so important, especially during a pandemic. Quarantine and social distancing can be mentally and emotionally draining. In some cases, it can exacerbate mental health issues, like anxiety or depression. Reaching out to friends and family can help alleviate these symptoms. Here are a few ways you can connect with the people you care about without breaking social distancing guidelines.
One way to get in touch with loved ones is to ask if you can help them out. Offer to pick up groceries for your elderly or sick friends and family. Ask if they need help setting up a schedule while stuck at home. You can text them reminders and encouragement to get out of bed each morning, or remind them to make healthy choices while isolating inside by exercising and avoiding snacks. Helping your loved ones out may relieve some of your own anxieties. And your friends and family will be grateful to you for your help.
Another way to stay connected is through social media and video calls. Posting pictures of your self-isolating activities is sure to brighten your friend’s days. Make calls to friends and family via FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, and other video calling services so you can see each other and spend time together, apart. Being able to interact with people, wherever they are, is a huge blessing available to us that previous generations never had access to. Now is the perfect time to utilize the technology at our fingertips.
A final way to reach out to the people you love is through snail mail. Sending a handwritten note can make a world of difference to someone. Let them know how much you love and appreciate them. You can also send people announcements of major life events. Send some nice cards to announce an engagement or graduation. I like to use Basic Invite for my stationery needs. As a recent college grad myself, I’ll be sending a few of their college graduation announcements to friends and family.
Throughout this difficult time, do your best to keep in touch with loved ones. Whether you send announcements and cards to family, post online about your quarantine adventures to friends, or do favors for your loved ones from a safe distance, you’ll feel better about your situation if you reach out. Be sure to show yourself the same love and compassion you show your friends and family too. You deserve it. Stay home, stay safe!
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