‘Big Brother’ Stars Jeff and Jordan Share The Sex Of Their Baby
Fans love Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd from “Big Brother.” Now the happy couple is married, and they have a baby on the way. They didn’t share that they were getting married until they had already tied the knot.
Now Jeff and Jordan are sharing if they are having a boy or girl. According to US Magazine, the happy couple has a little boy on the way! Jeff shared that they couldn’t wait to find out the news. He said, “We knew we weren’t going to wait until the baby came. We wanted to prepare, it’s our first kid, and we’re not anxious, [just] nervous. We don’t know what we’re doing!”
Jordan went on to say, “Last time we did the ultrasound, I made them look at the penis just to confirm! If it was our fourth kid, I think we could wait.”
Jordan is due to have her baby on October 20! Fans can’t wait to see their little boy. Make sure you check out my “Big Brother” group on Facebook for the latest news about past contestants and for the new season!
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