’90 Day Fiance’ Evelyn Cormier and David Vazquez Zermeno Update: How Are These Two?
There is a new season of “90 Day Fiance” and all of the fans have been wondering how Evelyn Cormier and David Vazquez Zermeno are doing now. In Touch Weekly was able to get an update on this couple.
It turns out that they actually got married Oct. 21, 2017 in Boston. A user on Reddit spoiled it by saying that he knew somebody that went to the wedding and even took some pictures of the happy couple. There has been no reason to think that they wouldn’t work because they have obviously got along great.
There was also a wedding registry for this couple from “90 Day Fiance” that was on Amazon. They asked for several normal things like a crock pot but also asked for gift cards as a wedding gift. David moved to the United States to be with Evelyn and left his entire family behind, but it looks like it was worth it for this couple. So far, things are going great for this couple.
Are you excited to hear that Evelyn Cormier and David Vazquez Zermeno are doing fine? Sound off in the comments below, and don’t miss new episodes of “90 Day Fiance” on Sunday nights on TLC to watch their relationship grow.
I think its sad for him because all I see of her is how spoiled rotten she is and how immature, he deserves someone who thinks of his needs as much as her own, she is selfish and immature and not osmeone who should be married.
I think Evelyn does seem young in some ways. But many women marry young and do just fine. She has great parents who have given her a great example and they will guide her to understand she won’t always get her way if she wants her marriage to work. The fact that they are both Christians and both have Christian parents who have had lasting marriages is really in their favor. They both have good examples to follow. The best of everything to you both!
I agree with the first comment t that Evelyn is very spoiled and very pampered She is extremely unrealistic about what it is going to take to move her music career along and to provide a setting for David to make use of his international businness double major degree. She is so enmeshed with her family and so tied to her tiny town that she makes up all kinds of excuses as to why she cannot move to a bigger urban area. She will never get the chance to refine her musical talents as long as she stays in Claremont–and she is making David a hostage in that small town and keeping him from using his many talents for a good job. I hope she sees the light and grows up fast –because if not she is doomed to a very unhappy life and a possible divorce. .
Evelyn for sure is very spoiled and very unrealistic about her future in music. She just wants to use her 90 Dy Fiance base to try to build her music following—but that show is over for her—and most folks are seeing that she does not have great talent. Plus no one sees her really working on anything other than this music dream. She needs to be working on her marriage–on her maturity as a person and getting more education that will help her get a decent paying job. She needs to set her sights to other places other than Claremont –and realize that David will need to move to a much bigger city to get decently employed. Her parents need to cut the apron strings and encourage her to be an adult –not the spoiled child she is currently. But I think that her whole family is caught up in her dream world of success and fame –and will not admit that Evelyn is just average and not another Taylor Swift. Some tragedies are going to happen if Evelyn and her family do not see reality–and soon!!